Frequently Asked Questions

What is Medicare for All?

Medicare for All is an idea, a movement, and a congressional bill to take the existing Medicare program (healthcare coverage for Americans over 65), improve it so that it covers all health needs, and expand it to cover all residents. Medicare for All is a form of universal healthcare known as single payer where the payer is the federal government. This model works well in many countries by saving taxpayers and governments money while achieving better healthcare outcomes.

How do I join Medicare for All Florida?

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate in our monthly statewide meetings, tabling events, work groups, petition drives, and other actions. All meetings and events are free and open to everyone. Join us for an upcoming online meeting and/or in-person event. To join our email list and stay in touch, sign up here. Our small, grassroots organization runs on annual dues and donations. To become a dues-paying member for $25/year, sign up here.

What if I want to join but do not have $25?

Anything you can contribute is a huge help. There are membership grants available to cover your annual dues. Please fill out the form here and we’ll get back to you soon.

Where can I learn more about Medicare for All?

Many like-minded organizations offer great information and resources about Medicare for All.

How much are annual dues?

Annual membership dues are $25. We welcome and appreciate amounts above $25 as donations. We use these funds to pay for our operating costs (this website, printing handouts, paying for tables at events) and to cover the membership for people in need of financial assistance. We are all volunteers and do not make a profit from anything we do.

What are Medicare for All resolutions?

Local governments (cities and counties) can pass resolutions in support of federal Medicare for All legislation. Local municipalities are directly impacted by the private health insurance crisis as employers and providers of emergency and other services to their communities. Local Medicare for All resolutions bring more awareness to the failures of the current American system and ramps up the pressure to win healthcare for everyone nationally. Already in Florida, the cities of Gainesville, Key West, Tampa, and St. Petersburg have passed Medicare for All Resolutions!